
TOP > NEWS > [Publication]A new paper on global bullying victimisation among 15-year-olds

[Publication]A new paper on global bullying victimisation among 15-year-olds by Dr. Hosozawa was published.

This paper examined the prevalence of bullying victimisation among 15-year-olds across 71 high- and middle-income countries. Of 421,437 students included, 113,602 (30.4%) experienced frequent victimisation, yet this varied by country—from 9.3% (Korea) to 64.8% (Philippines). It also shows the different magnitude of the risk factors (i.e., inequalities by gender, socioeconomic position, and academic performance) across the countries. This study was conducted in collaboration with researchers from the University College London, University of Sussex and Osaka University.

Bullying victimisation in adolescence: prevalence and inequalities by gender, socioeconomic status and academic performance across 71 countries (thelancet.com)