
TOP > NEWS > [Publication]A new paper by Dr. Hosozawa wais published at the European Child & Adolescent Psych

[Publication]A new paper by Dr. Hosozawa wais published at the European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry.

This paper showed that lower help-seeking intentions at age 12 among children with high autistic traits in the general Japanese population partially explained their increased depressive symptoms at age 14. The results suggest that promoting help-seeking intentions among children with high autistic traits, ideally before they reach adolescence, may help reduce their subsequent depressive symptoms.

This is the first study to examine help-seeking intentions among children with high autistic traits in the general population.

This study was conducted in collaboration with the Tokyo Teen Cohort research team.

Lower help-seeking intentions mediate subsequent depressive symptoms among adolescents with high autistic traits: a population-based cohort study (springer.com)