

Takehiro SUGIYAMA, MD, MSHS, Ph.D.


Senior Researcher, Department of Global Health System and Innovation, Institute for Global Health Policy Research, Bureau of International Health Cooperation, National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Tokyo, Japan;


Health Services Research
Health Policy


  • I will facilitate health policy research using NDB (claims database) through 6-national center collaboration.
  • I will manage the training program at NCGM certified by the Japan Board of Public Health and Social Medicine.
  • Through expanding the projects listed above, I will contribute to evidence-based policymaking in Japan and other countries.


Dr. Takehiro Sugiyama (MD, MSHS, PhD) is a health services researcher working at NCGM and University of Tsukuba. His research area is health services and health policy research especially in the field of diabetes and chronic diseases using governmental statistics and survey data. He now manages a 6- national center-collaborative research project of health policy research using nationwide claims database (NDB).

In addition to research field, Dr. Sugiyama has launched a training program certified by the Japan Board of Public Health and Social Medicine at NCGM as a part of human research development in the field of public health. He also involves health information service at Diabetes and Metabolism Information Center. Through these activities, he has tried to embody a part of functions of CDC at NCGM and other national centers.

Recently, in the time of COVID-19, Dr. Sugiyama has advocated the importance of CDC-like functions in Japan not limited to emergency preparedness and response against infectious diseases. He made an invited lecture at a committee of the Science Council of Japan, followed by submitting an opinion paper in the Japanese Journal of Public Health (in press).

Dr. Sugiyama is a fellow of the Japanese Society of Internal Medicine, as well as a board-certified diabetologist and endocrinologist. He obtained his PhD degree at the University of Tokyo in 2014. He earned his Master of Science in Health Services degree at School of Public Health at University of California, Los Angeles in 2012. He graduated from Faculty of Medicine, the University of Tokyo in 2006.


Details are as follows;
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