2019年度 研究業績
原著論文(国際誌)/ International Peer Reviewed Journals
- Bloom G, Katsuma Y, Rao K D, Makimoto S, Yin JDC, Leung G M. Next steps towards universal health coverage call for global leadership. BMJ. 2019 May 24; 365:l2107.
- Akashi H, Ishizuka A, Lee S, Irie M, Oketani H, Akashi R. The role of the G20 economies in global health. Global Health & Medicine. 2019;1:1:11-15.
- Katsuma Y, Sugai MK, How to achieve effective universal health coverage, The BMJ Opinion, 2019.
- Katsuma Y. The G20 Summit as an arena for global health diplomacy: From the 2017 Hamburg Summit to the 2019 G20 Osaka Summit. Journal of International Health. 2019;34:3:159.
- Katsuma Y. Global health diplomacy to promote universal health coverage at the 2019 Osaka G20 Summit. AJISS-Commentary. 2019;275.
口頭・ポスター発表(国際学会・研究会)/ Oral and Poster Presentations at International Conferences
- Katsuma Y. Ebola virus disease outbreak in Guinea in 2014: Lessons learnt for global health policy. Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS). Stellenbosch, South Africa, June 2019.
- Katsuma Y. Universal health coverage (UHC) for the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 3: Opportunities for the EU and Japan to collaborate towards the 2019 UN High-Level Meeting on UHC. EU-Japan Dialogues in a Changing World. Tokyo, Japan, July 2019.
- Tachimori H, Laowahutanon T, Nakamura H, Nomura S, Chongsuvivatwon V, Liabsuetrakul T, Lim A, Suchonwanich N, Yamamoto H, Shibuya K, Miyata H. Monitoring hospital admissions in people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus in Thailand: Analysis of the Universal Coverage Scheme, 2009-2016. International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare. Taipei, Taiwan, Sep 2019.
- Katsuma Y. Global health diplomacy to promote UHC at the 2019 Osaka G20 Summit: Reflection on 2019 G20 Osaka Summit. The 3rd symposium on the roles of Germany and Japan in global health. Berlin, Germany, Oct 2019.
- Sugai MK. Collaboration and exchange in the area of higher education and research. The 3rd symposium on the roles of Germany and Japan in global health. Berlin, Germany, Oct 2019.
- Katsuma Y. Norm diffusion of universal health coverage (UHC) through global health diplomacy. JSPS Core-to-Core Program A: Seminar “SDGs and Norm Diffusion.” Tokyo, Japan, Nov 2019.
- Katsuma Y. Global health diplomacy and international cooperation to promote universal health coverage (UHC) in achieving SDG Goal 3. The 4th International Symposium on Development Cooperation & Evaluation. Seoul, South Korea, Nov 2019.
- Katsuma Y. Data governance in achieving universal health coverage. The 19th Trilateral East Asian Seminar on the United Nations System. Seoul, South Korea, Nov 2019.
- Katsuma Y. China-Japan-Korea partnership for global health governance in achieving SDGs Goal 3: Tripartite Health Ministers’ Meeting (THMM) and the G20. The 9th East Asian Community Forum (EACF) “East Asian Perspectives on Global Governance.” Tokyo, Japan, Nov 2019.
- Katsuma Y, Allotey P, Naito T, Duigan P, Amourah M, Akashi H. Leaving no one behind (LNOB) in achieving universal health coverage (UHC): Challenges and solutions to reaching vulnerable populations including refugees and migrants through primary health care (PHC) and innovation. Prince Mahidol Award Conference (PMAC) 2020 side meeting (SE034). Bangkok, Thailand, Jan 2020.
- Katsuma Y. Norm diffusion of “health for all” as part of the SDGs: Promotion of universal health coverage (UHC) based on the right to health and the primary health care (PHC). EU-Japan Round Table Series. Brussels, Belgium, Mar 2020.
口頭・ポスター発表(国内学会・研究会)/ Oral and Poster Presentations at Domestic Conferences
- Sugai MK. Japan's development assistance for health: a temporal, geographical, and focus-specific evaluation of bilateral and multilateral financial contributions, launching the Japan Tracker. 第34回日本国際保健医療学会. 三重, 2019年12月
- 勝間靖. ユニハバーサル・ヘルス・カバレッジ(UHC)をめぐるグローバルヘルス外交~UHCフォーラム2017から、G20大阪サミット、国連UHCハイレべル会合へ. 第34回日本国際保健医療学会. 三重, 2019年12月
- 山田順子、勝間靖. ASEANにおける資格の相互承認協定(Mutual Recognition Arrangement: MRA)の動向と看護人材. 第34回日本国際保健医療学会. 三重, 2019年12月
- 千葉美奈、勝間靖. HIV/エイズ教育の効果的な実施要因の探求~タイの学校を基盤としたプログラムの事例. 第34回日本国際保健医療学会. 三重, 2019年12月
著書、総説、その他/ Books, Review articles, etc.
- Rao KD, Makimoto S, Peters M, Leung GM, Bloom G, Katsuma Y., Chapter 7: Vulnerable populations and universal health coverage. In: Kharas H, McArthur JW, and Ohno I, eds. Leave No One Behind: Time for Specifics on the Sustainable Development Goals. in, Washington, DC; Brookings Institution Press, 20019 pp.129-148.
- Bloom G, Katsuma Y, Rao KD, Makimoto S, Leung GM. Deliberate next steps toward a new globalism for universal health coverage (UHC), 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: Policy recommendation for the G20. T20 Japan Task Force on 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Tokyo; . JICA Research Institute, pp.1-25, 2019.
- 山田順子、勝間靖. ASEANにおける資格の相互承認協定(Mutual Recognition Arrangement:MRA)の動向と看護人材. In: 国立国際医療研究センター国際医療協力局eds. 看護師の国境を越えての移動~看護資格の多国間相互承認とその影響. 東京, 国立国際医療研究センター国際医療協力局, 2020 pp.5-8..