
TOP > NEWS > [Publication] “Effect of a Community-Based Program to Accelerate Referral to Physicians for Individuals at High-Risk of Lifestyle-Related Diseases: A Cluster Randomized Trial” by Prof Iso has been published.

[Publication] “Effect of a Community-Based Program to Accelerate Referral to Physicians for Individuals at High-Risk of Lifestyle-Related Diseases: A Cluster Randomized Trial” by Prof Iso has been published.

In this study, a cluster randomized trial was conducted within 41 Japanese municipalities (21 intervention and 22 usual care) to examine whether the standardized health counseling for individuals at high cardiovascular risk screened at community sites accelerates clinic visits.

The study found that standardized health counseling for high-risk individuals primarily provided by public health nurses accelerated clinic visits, with larger reductions in blood pressure, HbA1c, and LDL-cholesterol levels.

This trial demonstrated the effect of “Power of public health nurses” and highlighted that the nationwide use of counseling after health checkups for high-risk individuals could help in controlling risk factors and preventing lifestyle-related diseases.

To access the paper, click here:

Hiroyasu Iso, Midori Noguchi, Tetsuji Yokoyama, Toshiko Yoshida, Isao Saito, Ayumi Shintani, Toshimi Sairenchi, Hitoshi Nishizawa, Hironori Imano, Akihiko Kitamura and Iichiro Shimomura, for J-HARP Research Group.

Effect of a Community-Based Program to Accelerate Referral to Physicians for Individuals at High-Risk of Lifestyle-Related Diseases: A Cluster Randomized Trial (jst.go.jp)